Privacy Policy

Personal information collected from the Contact page are not collated and distributed to other organizations or groups. This is solely for the blog only. On the Contact page, personal information gathered are only full name and email address. Any cirumstances that the visitor would send us informations about an event, happenings, etc., that wish to be posted are being used only for the benefit of this blog.

Third party applications that has been incorporated on this blog are for gathering statistics only, like how the blog would rank on some external websites. Those third party applications would gather ip address, type of browser, ISP, date/time stamp, etc, these are for the purpose of tracking the blog's rank and for the purpose of improvements. These information are not distributed to any other organizations or groups that are not related for the sole purpose of this blog.

If you have any questions or require more information about privacy issues on this blog, please feel free to contact Us.